
Showing posts with the label hydraulic

Classification of Fluid

 Fluids can be classified into different categories based on various properties and characteristics. Here are some common ways to classify fluids: 1. Based on Physical State:  • Liquids: These are fluids with a definite volume but no fixed shape. Examples include water, oil, and milk.  •Gases: Gases have neither a definite shape nor a fixed volume. They expand to fill the container they are in. Examples include oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide. 2. Based on Behavior Under Pressure:    • Compressible Fluids:  Gases are highly compressible, meaning their volume can change significantly under pressure. They are easily compressed into smaller volumes.    • Incompressible Fluids: Liquids are relatively incompressible. Their volume changes very little under pressure, making them suitable for hydraulic systems. 3. Based on Viscosity:    •Viscous Fluids:  These are fluids with high viscosity, meaning they flow slowly and offer significant resistance to motion. Examples include honey and mol